Queue Management System (Professional QMS)

Professional Queue System Doesn’t Have to Cost A Bomb

One-Third The Cost Compared with Conventional Queue System

The ONLY Queue System Installed in Half an Hour

Recent Testimonials

Countless Projects

ZERO Wiring

No Network Cable, No Switches, No Counter Keypad, No Server On-Site, No Need Site Visit Prior Installation

Extreme Cost Savings

Imagine if you have 130 Counters and 6 TVs like NATAS 2022. How much will you spend if you use a conventional queue system? How many keypads or wiring do you need to run? Using Fort Digital’s Queue System, there is ZERO Hardware deployed at each counter and ZERO Wiring to run

Latest Case Study

ICA (Immigration and Checkpoints Authority) Open House @ Marina Bay Sands with e2i (Employment and Employability Institute)

Testimonials :
We gave Fort Digital only 30 minutes to set up the entire Queue System, and they completed it in less than 20 minutes….

Physical Ticket Kiosk & Web Ticket Kiosk

SMS Reminder

Monitor Queue Live

Staff Call Queue

TV Calling

Physical Ticket Kiosk or
Web Ticket Kiosk

Consist of just 1 Tablet + 1 Printer. Put anywhere, just WiFi for the Tablet

Desktop Stand Kiosk

Floor Stand Kiosk

Tablet Display

There is a variety of Tablet Display formats you can choose from.

All color schemes are customizable in settings

Buttons with Descriptions for Each Services

Basic Buttons

Buttons with Logo and Waiting Time or Ticket Waiting for Each Services

Drop Down Menu for Many Services

Physical Queue Ticket

Print out your Company Logo, Footnote, add Title and Greetings. Printer ZERO Maintenance, No Ink Thermal printer. With QR CODE link to anything such as Live Queue Monitor Page

Print Carbon Tickets

One Ticket for the customer to hold, another same Ticket clipped to the customer’s file folder

Print to 2nd Printer

Another department like the kitchen or payment counter will get carbon copy ticket simultaneously

Ticket Kiosk

Web Ticket Kiosk

Just print the QR CODE on the wall. All take Queue Ticket from their own mobile phone. The queue ticket will be sent via SMS. Hence, no physical kiosk is required, saving tons of cost

Do try Scan or Click QR CODE beside and take queue ticket from your own mobile phone

Scan QR Code to Get Queue Ticket

Ticket Selection by Number of Pax

For the Restaurant industry, you can create ticketing by Number of Pax. When calling the queue, staff will pick and call based on seat availability, not ticket sequence. For example, you have a seat for 2 persons, so you call 2 Pax queue list first

Ticketing by Number of Pax

Ticket Selection by Sessions & Quota

For some events or venues with limited attendance or space, you can also create ticketing by Time Sessions. And each session, you can set a Quota. Once the quota is reached, they can’t take the ticket from that session anymore

Ticketing by Sessions with Quota

Quota Reached

Ticket Selection by Items

For some events with Gift Redemption, you can let people select the gift, and the gift image will appear. And key in their name, select the color, choose the materials, etc. Then after customizing their gift, you will call their queue number

Image Appears When Item Selected

Key-In Name, Select Colour, Materials, etc

4 SMS + CALL Notifications

1st SMS
When take ticket via Physical Kiosk or Web Kiosk

2nd SMS
When queue is near to their turn

3rd SMS + Call
Whem called by counter

4th SMS
Thank You or Feedback SMS after served

Monitor Queue Live

Customer and Management can monitor all services ticket status live from anywhere. Hence, they need not wait on-site. They can go walk around and observe the queue progress live.

The Link will be given in the SMS when taking ticket

Monitor Ticket Live

Another Link given in the SMS when taking ticket is the link to monitor their own ticket status live

Call Queue From Any Device

No Physical Keypad or Apps to install. Just login to www.SingaporeQ.com to call the queue. Use any mobile phone, or tablet, or PC, or Laptop

Counter Staff See All Details

Counter staff easily see all ticket data. Include their Name, Mobile Numbers, Extra Fields, up to how long they have been waiting until now

Counter Staff Call Sequence, or Call Random and Trasnfer Queue

Call Sequence, just click the “Call Next Queue” button. Call Random Queue, key in any Queue Number, and click the “Call” button. After serving, the counter can Transfer the Queue Number to another department, and other staff will pick up and call the same Queue

Counter Staff Grouping

You can limit which staff to serve which service. For example, staff 1 and 2 only serve Service A and B, while Staff 3 and 4 only serve Service C

TV Display

There is a variety of TV formats you can choose from. You can use any TV brand or model that connects to a mini pc supplied by us or a laptop and open the TV link in a browser. There will be a ding-dong sound once a queue call by a counter

Hence, you can put your TV anywhere you want without having to run single wiring. As far as there is WiFi. You can put it upstairs, downstairs, outdoor, indoor, or anywhere you want

All color schemes are customizable in settings

Click the picture beside to see live TV display…

12 Rows Format

Picture Slide Show Format

Local Video / Youtube Playing Format

Big Font Format For Small TV

Vertical TV Format

Separations of TVs Calling For Different Service / Department

One TV displays Service A and another TV displays Service B, no mix

Management Monitor Page

As Management, you can monitor the queue progress from anywhere in the world. There are varieties of monitoring page to suit your needs

Click the picture beside to see live TV display…

Staff Productivity Monitoring

Monhtly and Daily Service Level Monitoring

All Branches Monitoring

Queue Ticketing Monitoring

Professional Reports

There is a variety of Reports for management to digest

Quick Report Today

Service Level Report

Missed Silent Call Reports

Staff Productivity Report

Staff Activity Report

Queue Ticket Report

Time Period / Peak Hour Report

Admin Page

You can Create, Delete, Edit, and Modify Unlimited Services on the Admin page

As well as Counter Staff Login info, everything can be modified on Admin Page.

As well as Other Settings, like changing Footnote, Company Logo, Colour Scheme, Slide Show Images, Counter Staff Restrictions, SMS Content, and many other settings

Create Services

Create Counter Login

Modify SMS Content

Hundreds of Other Settings

Extra Function:
Opening and Closing Time

You can set each service their Opening and Closing time daily. Some services open earlier, and some close late, and they can’t take a ticket before the service start or after the service closes. Hence, prevent someone from playing cheat by taking a queue ticket before opening time.

Booking Validation

Before taking a ticket, they need to key in the Booking Code / IC / ID saved by management in the system before (manually save or API push). If the code is correct, a queue ticket will be issued. If the code is wrong, no queue ticket is given, and they have to choose other services.

Validation Code On Kiosk

Validation Code on Admin Page

100% Offline Server

For those requiring an ultra-secure, 100% offline system, as we installed in many embassies or government offices, but with most of the aforementioned features, we offer an Offline Server System. We’ll install the Queue System Server on your premises, connect it to an Offline Router, and ensure that all connected devices are also offline.

Extra Function:
APIs Integrations

We provide several APIs for you to integrate into your apps or applications. For example, API to issue tickets, API to check total waiting time, API to check total queue in front, etc.

Click on the picture to see a LIVE example of SAMSUNG website integrated with our APIs to display a live waiting time

Emoji Feedback for Counter Staff

You can install another Tablet facing customer with Emoji icons for them to feedback counter services. You can view all live data on the Admin page

Validation Code On Kiosk

Validation Code in Admin Page

Extra Function:
Tally Counter

On both sides of the venue’s Entrance and Exit, staff clicks the In or Out button every time someone Enters or Exits the venue. And management can track Live how many people are inside the venue to prevent overcrowding.

Extra Function:
SMS Notification When Too Many Waiting Queue

Management will get notified if XX Queue Tickets are waiting for more than XX Minutes, which means something wrong on the operation side

Extra Function:
SMS Notification Daily Service Level

Management will get notified at the end of the day what is the Service Level Percentage on that day

Extra Function:
Missed Queue Reactivation

Customer can Re-Activate their Missed Ricket at the physical kiosk or approach counter staff.

Vaccination Centre Case Study

Fort Digital is SBO Licensed from IMDA

Compliance with PDPC/PDPA and Security Directive

Approved SMS Aggregator by SGNIC

To Protect Your Sender ID

GeBIZ Supplier and Government Supplier

@ Financial Grade S7


Company Prove Legitimacy
Comply with PCI standards

2FA Login to Protect Data

Using Google Authenticator 2FA App to protect admin login and data

Our top priority is ensuring security, and we achieve this through implementing the best practices available. These practices include 2 Factor Authentication for logging in through the Google Authenticator App, implementing OWASP Detection Rules, utilizing MOD Security Rules and MOD Evasive Rules to prevent brute force attacks, implementing Cisco DUO Authentication, being a DigiCert® SSL2 EV3 Certified Company, and whitelisting IP addresses so that only authorized IPs can access the service while others will be banned. Additionally, we have an auto-suspend feature that blocks an IP address after someone tries to log in with the wrong password more than five times. All of our servers are located in Singapore and we hold an SBO license from the IMDA (Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore).

WhatsApp Us Now for Demo, Support, Quote, and Account Setup

Or Call +65 6484 3863

Fort Digital Commemorate 100th Anniversary of Our Founding Father Lee Kuan Yew


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