Considered one of the best inventions by many security enforcer, Net Gun is proven to be the perfect Non-Lethal device for many purposes.
From catching ANIMALS (Dogs, Monkeys, Snake, etc) to HUMAN, even DRONES. This is revolutionary idea to capture moving objects and yet affordable and super safe.
Fort Digital is Sole Distributor in Singapore and South East Asia. Patent Pending.
The idea of this NET GUN are mainly DISTRACTIONS !!!!
There are 2 Distractions Elements using this device as security weapons.
First, when shot out, it creates Loud Bang Sound, therefore, creates First Surprise and Distraction to either Human or Animals.
Second, in split seconds, the NET suddenly cover their body, this is Second Distraction, they will try struggle to get free from the NET. This will give the officer some time to make their move to catch and disable the person or animals.
In term of speed, this Net Gun act FASTER than most arms like gun/pistol. For Guns/Pistols, officers need to withdraw from the holster to shoot, but NET GUN can be shot out while still clipped at the belt.
And the best of all it’s….SAFE!!! This is NON LETHAL weapon. It does not shot out bullets or projectiles that can disable the animal or person like most arms. Because this Net Gun use only the power of Gas Cylinder of CO2 to propel out the NET.
It’s not a real gun, it does not use any ammunitions or gun powder to propel the NET out. Or high power battery that requires recharging. But it uses small CO2 cartridges as the main power to throw out the net. Almost similar with the harmless paintball gun, but this is even less lethal, as it does not propel out bullets or such, but a Very Strong High Tensile Net that totally will NOT harm any living things.
It’s light and small size. Resembles a Torch Light, it can be carried around without any hurdle by hands, or even clipped at the belt.
Recyclable and Low Cost. Unlike most gun or arms that propel out bullets, the Very Strong High Tensile Net can be reused back after shot out. The only consumable need to be replaced is the CO2 Cartridges, which is very cheap and widely available.
Net gun, Drone catcher, Net thrower, Anti-riots device, Drone net gun, Drone interceptor, Riot control net gun, UAV catcher, Riot suppression device, Anti-drone net gun, Drone capture device, Riot control equipment, Anti-UAV net gun, Drone defense system, Riot suppression tool, UAV interceptor, Anti-drone net thrower, Drone capture gun, Riot control gear, UAV defense device, Anti-UAV net thrower, Drone suppression equipment, Riot control weapon, UAV defense system, Anti-drone net thrower, Drone containment device, Riot suppression gear, UAV defense tool, Anti-UAV net thrower, Drone mitigation device, Riot control system, UAV defense gear, Anti-drone net thrower, Drone interception device, Riot suppression weapon, UAV defense weapon, Anti-UAV net thrower, Drone apprehension device, Riot control apparatus, UAV defense apparatus, Anti-drone net thrower, Drone apprehension gun, Riot suppression instrument, UAV defense instrument, Anti-UAV net thrower, Drone catcher gun, Riot control mechanism, UAV defense mechanism, Anti-drone net thrower, Drone catcher device, Riot suppression solution, UAV defense solution, Anti-UAV net thrower, Drone entrapment gun, Riot control innovation, UAV defense innovation, Anti-drone net thrower, Drone entrapment device, Riot suppression technology, UAV defense technology, Anti-UAV net thrower, Drone entrapment system, Riot control advancement, UAV defense advancement, Anti-drone net thrower, Drone apprehension system, Riot suppression development, UAV defense development, Anti-UAV net thrower, Drone apprehension equipment, Riot control improvement, UAV defense improvement, Anti-drone net thrower, Drone catcher system, Riot suppression enhancement, UAV defense enhancement, Anti-UAV net thrower, Drone capture system, Riot control upgrade, UAV defense upgrade, Anti-drone net thrower, Drone interception system, Riot suppression optimization, UAV defense optimization, Anti-UAV net thrower, Drone mitigation system, Riot control enhancement, UAV defense enhancement, Anti-drone net thrower, Drone interception equipment, Riot suppression refinement, UAV defense refinement, Anti-UAV net thrower, Drone capture equipment, Riot control refinement, UAV defense refinement, Anti-drone net thrower, Drone containment system, Riot suppression revision, UAV defense revision, Anti-UAV net thrower, Drone capture apparatus, Riot control modification, UAV defense modification, Anti-drone net thrower, Drone interception apparatus, Riot suppression adjustment, UAV defense adjustment, Anti-UAV net thrower, Drone mitigation apparatus, Riot control adaptation, UAV defense adaptation, Anti-drone net thrower, Drone interception tool, Riot suppression alteration, UAV defense alteration, Anti-UAV net thrower, Drone apprehension tool, Riot control change, UAV defense change, Anti-drone net thrower, Drone catcher tool, Riot suppression conversion, UAV defense conversion, Anti-UAV net thrower, Drone entrapment tool, Riot control switch, UAV defense switch, Anti-drone net thrower, Drone catcher instrument, Riot suppression transition, UAV defense transition, Anti-UAV net thrower, Drone entrapment instrument, Riot control transformation, UAV defense transformation, Anti-drone net thrower, Drone apprehension instrument, Riot suppression shift, UAV defense shift, Anti-UAV net thrower, Drone apprehension instrument.